11/19/08 After Lumpectomy &Sentinol Biopsy Surgery 1:40a.m.

Of course, I do not remember typing this. I was a little loopy.

I went in at 1:00pm and got home about 12:30a.m.. It took a little longer than expected. They said I stay the night but I wanted to come home.
He injected some kind of radioactive medicine into my sentinol nodes first and I laid underneath a machine so they could take images for an hour looking for "hot spots". Then later they took me into surgery and put in a blue dye that reacts with the medicine to check for suspicious areas in the nodes. I have a 4 inch incision under my arm pit where they took out a few nodes for further testing. Then I have another area where he took out the tumor and I have a drain taped to me that I have to empty regularly. I have a nurse coming to my house daily to change the dressings. Friday I have an appointment to get my results. Of course we already know the tumor is malignant and i will need radiation. Friday I find out if i need another surgery and chemo. I had a lot of pain afterwards and they gave me some morphine and Demerol. I have hydrocodone to take at home so I am feeling no pain right now =).
I just wanted to let you know that I am ok. It'll be ok and i will take what comes and fight it.
I will go crazy at home and with light duty. I guess I will catch up on some movies.
Let me know what is going on at work so I don't feel left out.
Bev is suppose to have a cat scan of her head and neck area tomorrow. She had a bad day today but stayed with me anyways. What a sis!

Miss you guys and thanks for the emails, calls, and prayers.

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