Tues. - Fatigue and nausea again.

It's Tuesday and I have been sick since my last post on Sunday. All I do is sleep, sip something, and take bathroom breaks to flush the toxins. Melvin's mom brought me broth and Peggy brought me sherbert and a couple of caps and scarves. I have a little more energy today and I am going for one of my neupogen shots this afternoon to boost my white blood cells. I wrap my head up because of the hair I am dropping everywhere. I have cut it up to my ears but today I guess it will be shaved.

I have learned that I really, really, need to watch what I eat from now on. Tasha and Daniel gave me a book on nutrition and cancer fighting foods and I read some of it yesterday. Last night I baked some salmon(which I would have normally fried in EVO) with no seasonings and boiled some brown rice. I ate some and it did not upset my system. I saved a portion for tonight.

I'm getting through it....slowly but surely. I guess it all means the chemo is working!


The Landrum's said...

I love you momma.

Unknown said...

Hi Teressa, Just wanted to say how grateful I am that you are keeping us updated through your blog. Hang in there. We continue to pray...

Lexington girl said...

I am so glad you are finding that book helpful. I love keeping up with you on your blog :-)