12/31/08 Back to Work

I went back to work today and worked 8 hours. I am so glad to be working again. It really felt good to be back at work. I have to admit....I think I am a nicer person to work with than when I left. I've had a lot happen since Nov. 17th.
I have changed for the better. I've turned a new leaf. Hmmm, what could it be.
I'm going through "THIS" and my blood pressure is better than it has been in a while. I'm happier, and nicer, and I've grown these pretty duck feathers on my back.
I should be a basket case.
I am so blessed and happy.

1 comment:

The Landrum's said...

I'm glad work went well. I love you very much. You're the best momma ever and you have a really cute blog! I love reading it!