I worked the next day(Thursday) after purchasing my new doo and worked until Monday. Tuesday I rested all day. And Wednesday I went to Tara and Grants to babysit Ellie and I had a great day.
When I heard her waking up I went to get her and she was all smiles. She recognized me even with my new hair. She smiled and played all day. Of course, she had some naps. I fed her, we played on the floor and everywhere. Pa even came by for lunch. Ellie and I hid from mommy and daddy when we heard them pull in from work. When she heard them calling for us she kept quiet and was just looking in their direction with a straight face. When her mommy found us first she said, "there they are" and Ellie giggled and smiled. It was hilarious.
Tara shaved off what spikes of hair I had remaining on my head. It was a special moment. Of course we laughed and said we never imagined we would have a moment as this. I did look like a monster with my few spikes of hair. I enjoyed scaring my family with my monster hair. I would take my wig off and hide around corners and jump out and yell, "BOO!". They said it wasn't funny but I would just laugh. I wish I had taken a picture of my monster hair.
I am posting a few pictures from ice storm and flooding, with Ellie, and misc.
The creek is below our house, the other water pix is on our property. The tree pix are taken on the parkway. Then Nick in his truck. Daniel is ready to play outside with his air soft guns. Ellie playing with Pa. And later when I caught Ellie playing with her feet. And the Grand Finali with me and my bald head.
Love to all
I never thought I would shave your head!
You do look sexy without your hair !
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