Oct. 22nd Whew!
Well, we are trying one last thing before I need to have another surgery and I really hope it works. I see another doctor tomorrow about the new plan and I will post more about it later if my insurance approves it and they think it is a possibility.
I am enjoying this time of year as Fall is my favorite time of year. The foliage is beautiful. I didn't get to have my hiking and camping vacation week and I was very disappointed but they(work) needed me. I am hoping I can reschedule it before it gets too cold.
I can't tell you enough how blessed I feel. And the family is great.
Bev is still battling with her issues. The staph infection in her eye oil glands has blocked her pores again and the FL surgeon said he will probe and unblock them again for free, if she goes back soon. I hope she can. He would like for her to come back for a month but finding a way for that to happen is the problem. I wish I could take her. Another issue is she has a lot of stuff going on at work. I really worry about her. Please keep her in your prayers.
I had a fabulous birthday with the family. Thanks to everyone for the special dinner.
Love and prayers,
Aug 30th
I love Fall. It is my favorite time of year. I'm ready for some outdoor activities. I had my bike serviced and it is ready to be picked up. I'm so excited. I've been walking and hiking to get ready for a big bike ride. And some long hikes with overnite camping.
It's a beautiful day!
Love and prayers
Aug 25th
I've had some wonderful blessings since the last post and I am overwhelmed with excitement. I did have some obstacles but that didn't last long. I faced a fear and then received a couple of blessings that answered a few questions and doubts I had for myself. Life after cancer. whew...where do I go from here? So many things are clear for me now. What do you do?
A couple of weeks ago it was weighing heavy on me to say out loud, "I'm not afraid to die". To tell the people closest to me. For days I thought, "how would I begin this conversation?" It's not a sad topic for me. I thought of it every day and wanted to say it, but never had the courage to do it. Now I know this isn't something that everyone thinks about everyday but this was something I was really needing to do for me. I needed to say it. And I never did.
Last weekend at work I was taking a break between shifts. Since my calves were so sore from the previous weeks hike I decided to put my shorts on and dangle my legs in the hot tub. So I am in the pool area, by myself, dangling my sore calves in the massaging water, and reading inspiration. Two young middle school boys came in and instead of getting in the pool they came to the hot tub. I kept reading and then they began asking me questions about me. I thought how strange there is a big pool they could be swimming in. So I put my book down and answered their questions...even about my hair and I had had cancer. One boy asked if it hurt and I said sometimes and he wanted to know how. So I told him and he said, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger". Then the other boy asked, "Where you afraid to die?" I know you can not possibly imagine how I felt at that moment. I really wanted to burst into tears with happiness. And then I got to finally say out loud, "No, I am not afraid to die". And then he asked me why? And then I got to tell why. Then they left. And you know... they never did get in the pool =).
Well, I was so overwhelmed I went back to my room and called Tara and of course I was crying and she couldn't understand me. She said, "what happened at the pool?" "why would they say that?" "they asked you what?". I look back now and I think poor Tara. Her momma calls her crying and all she can hear is I just got back from the pool area and boys were asking me about dying.
I smile now. But note to self- never call your daughter when you are having a joy cry and when you do not have composure.
Like I said. This was something I wanted to share that happened to me and was important for me.
Love and prayers to all.
Aug 16th
Love and prayers
Aug 10th
Tara planned a finale' party for me when I ended radiation. It was a happy day and I had a wonderful time. I've been back to work and all was well. I only had one doctor visit a week. Then I got the staph infection that put me back in the hospital for a week. Now I have a "purse"(woundvac) that I carry and probably will for a month. I need to go three days a week to the hospital for dressing changes. It's OK.
I have been blessed again and the power of prayer has worked again.
Thanks for the prayers, calls, and visits.
I go back to work today however I need to go to the hospital first.
Love and prayers back at ya'
A few months ago I resolved to be better giver. I had in mind a couple of ways I wanted to do this. I never did anything....just thought about it, dreamed about it. My life returned to the get up, go to work, go home, pay bills. I feel I have been given a second chance to keep my word. Since I have been home from the hospital two opportunities have fallen in my lap. I'm telling all that I'm going to give and pay it forward. I'm excited!
July 13th
Saturday morning I took Daniel fishing to a couple of places and we had a lot of fun. He is "the fisherman". Then I got to keep Ellie and spend the night with her while Mommy and Daddy had the night out. Melvin and the boys came over also and we had pizza and played. Dad came over the next morning and she got to play with her Great grandaddy.
The time with her is precious. She is so sweet and funny. I love it when she holds her toes while you feed her or puts her feet up on the tray. I love it when she holds my hand while she sits in my lap. It is a treasured moment. I tried taking our pix together but she kept tickling me with her toes and we never succeeded. She is so much fun. She rode many miles on her caterpillar and zebra.
Nick got a job in BG and had his first day yesterday at the Family Christian Book Store. And he begins band camp this week.
Amber stopped by yesterday to show me her free jewelry she received from having her jewelry party here a couple of Saturdays ago. She really did good.
This is my last week of radiation. Thursday is my last day. I do have some irritated skin but nothing I can't handle. I have some cream for the dry areas and cornstarch for the moist areas.
I can't begin to explain how happy I am this week. Thursday can not come fast enough. Just to have some normalcy and not rushing to work and doctors every day.
I am blessed...Love to all,
June 20th

I just finished my third week of radiation. My skin is a little red and I have been some tired but I am doing great. I'm still working full time and will continue to do so. I did lose my second fingernail and I didn't know if I mentioned it. The boys and I saw a movie today and we had a great time. I saw Ellie last night and she crawling so well. She is an angel. I love her little faces she makes now to get a laugh. Everything about her is amazing. I love being a grandma. I think she likes me best without a wig. I think I do too.
I'm ready to do something....canoeing, camping, spelunking, horseback riding, biking,...just something. I got an itch.
Love to all
June 8th

The family is doing great. Summer is here and Nick left yesterday to go with the band to Florida. Daniel is enjoying fishing. Tara, Grant and Ellie stopped by yesterday for a visit and Ellie is truly amazing. What a sweetie.
I just completed my first week of radiation. Also, my surgeon is draining fluid off my surgery site twice a week so my radiation will be more accurate. I am on tamoxifen for hormone therapy to block the estrogen.
They decided to do radiation on the site and above... since it was in my lymph nodes and they travel up. It doesn't take long and I shouldn't experience any skin problems until later...if any.
I did take a couple of naps this week. But I am working full time and I have been training someone all week.
My hair is growing more and I believe it is coming in gray and white...ha Imagine that. I will also be shaving my legs for the first time in a long time this week. I have put it off just because I never liked it before. My head sweats a lot because the wig is like a cap and the weather is warmer. As soon as I get in the car...it comes off.
My eyebrows and lashes are almost gone. And I lost my first fingernail yesterday. I am expecting to lose many more as they are dead and hanging on by a 1/4 inch of new growth.
It is well with my soul and I am feeling great. What an experience.
8 months and going.
Love and prayers to all
Tuesday, May 26th
I received a call today that my radiation will begin Monday.
Another holiday has passed, Ellie Grace is growing up fast(8mths old), the boys have finished another year of school, and I am still taking measures to battle this cancer.
I am blessed and have many things to be thankful for.
Love to all,
Monday, May 11th

Today is Daniel's 14th birthday!
Nick's prom was Saturday. We got to watch Ellie Saturday night. And Tara celebrated her first Mothers Day.
We had a busy and great weekend that ended with dinner at Mom's last night. I attached a picture of the boys.
It was nice after I finished my first full week back to work. That was a little difficult for me. Today I am off because I was to see to doctors. First, to get fluid drained off my surgery site and then to get a scan and my markings for radiation. Well, my surgeon will not be back until tomorrow so they changed my scan and everything else until tomorrow. You see I am very swollen and full of fluid so they can not get accurate markings and get me set up until I get drained. =(
Now I need to call work and be off some tomorrow. This is not good since I just came back. Oh well, all I can do is all I can do.
I attached some pix from the weekend.
Love and prayers to all.
Monday, April 27th
Tara had me flowers in the car when I left my last chemo. It was a special day just having her there with me.
Thankfully, I will get no more steroids. I have no stamina at all. I tire and get out of breath easily. As soon as this aching stops I hope to walk some and get some energy back. The last six months have been enough. I know my radiation begins soon and I hope it doesn't make me too tired as well.
Thanks for everything.
Love and prayers to all.
April 16th
It's all right to sit on your pity pot every now and again. Just be sure to flush when you are done.
And this poem -
Amanda, thanks for your comment. You are a dear and we all love you.
Tonight I am driving my sis to Lexington. Tasha is going with us to a doc appt for Bev tomorrow.
Grant is preaching tonight and I will miss it but I have a chance to hear him Sat. night and/or Sun.
Tonight and Sat. are at 7 and Sun. at 6 at Trinity.
I am officially scheduled to go back to work May 1st. In May I begin radiation.
I have my last chemo next Friday. woohoo!
Gotta go!
Love and prayers to all,
April 15th

I had chemo last Friday and Tara took me since she was on spring break. My stepdad Wayne came again to see me while I was there. I did fall asleep again because of the benedryl in the premeds and the alcohol in the taxol. My nails(fingers and toes) have gotten these red places and they are very tender. It's difficult to open things. They said that some nails may fall off. I have one more chemo to go so I am hoping they don't. I have about a 1/4 inch of hair. And I am feeling the joint and bone pains which begin sunday night after my chemo. This chemo keeps me up all night on Friday. Saturday night Ellie came out and she helped Daniel and my nephews color eggs. I went to church with Tara & Grant on Sunday. I really enjoyed the weekend before my pains set in on Sunday night. It's wednesday now and I still have some shooting pains. Hot baths help too and of course I alternate pain medicines. Also, the bottoms of my feet are very sore and peeling. Oh, and the steroids I have learned is causing my constant hunger...I have been eating a lot. Dad is taking me again today for my neupogen shot. I enjoy this time with him.
I have my appt. set for the 20th to discuss radiation with my next doc. It will be for 30 days Mon-Fri. I am still on leave from work and I will know when I return after I speak with him.
Haven't my boys really grown? Nick is 18 and Daniel will be 14 in May.
Love and prayers to all.
April 6th
This Friday I will be having #7 of 8 chemos. I know I haven't written on my blog for a while and I don't really know why. I did take a leave from work and it has relieved some tension I had. I was trying to be positive, trying to be a good manager, trying to be a good family member and friend, and then I think I just decided to take a break and relax. "Knowing" how sick you are going to be every other week and then having a new side affect or infection added after each additional treatment was troublesome. I just needed a break from cancer and I guess that included my blog as well.
I have spent some time reflecting on this "detour" in my life. I have really missed my sister. I know she is as tired as I am of having to deal with our illnesses. But we will get through it.
My Dad has been taking me to get all of my shots every other week and we have had some great talks.
I am blessed with all of my family and friends. Thank you so much for all of your prayers, emails, cards, etc. It has got me through some tough times.
Ellie Grace has been ill with RSV and this is the second week I can't be near her. I don't like this at all, but we know I can't risk it right now. I do speak to her via telephone and Tara says she smiles. I did drive to their house and talk to her through the glass storm door(twice). I had bought her some bunny ears and Tara took her picture this weekend. She's precious. Here is another pix that Grant's dad had taken. I love it too.
Love to all
Monday, March 16th
Bev's botox is still wearing off and she is having some difficult times with her neck pain. Please continue to pray for her.
Love to all
March 12th
Tomorrow I go for chemo #5 of 8. The first four were two different chemo medicines. These last four are of 1 chemo medicine (taxol). Thes treatments are four hours long. I hope my numbers are good enough to get the treatment tomorrow because I want this over as soon as possible.
Love to all,
Feb. 13th, Friday Chemo #3 of 8
And then I had to confess to my doc about not getting all of my neupogen shots to boost my white blood cells. The week after chemo I have to take them. After my second chemo he prescribed only four because my numbers were good. I told the doc I only made it to 2 of 4. He looked at me surprised and asked why. I told him I had worked 56 hours and it was difficult for me to leave work. And that I was feeling good. He wasn't happy and said that I would probably not be receiving chemo because my numbers would be low and that I needed to stay on schedule. He left the room to check on my bloodwork. Melvin looked at me and said I was in trouble. The doc came back and said that my numbers were Olympic! So...I only need two shots next week and he said I could pick the days. Whew! He prescribed some Pepcid for me to take daily because the toxins have taken their toll on my stomach.
The first four chemo's are the most difficult to take and now I have one more. The next set of four are a different type of chemo.
Now it is Sunday and I have experienced some nausea and of course I sleep a lot. I have been eating better and the Pepcid has helped. I may try to go to work sooner this time.
Thanks for the prayers and emails.
Love to all.
The week after the New Doo

I worked the next day(Thursday) after purchasing my new doo and worked until Monday. Tuesday I rested all day. And Wednesday I went to Tara and Grants to babysit Ellie and I had a great day.
When I heard her waking up I went to get her and she was all smiles. She recognized me even with my new hair. She smiled and played all day. Of course, she had some naps. I fed her, we played on the floor and everywhere. Pa even came by for lunch. Ellie and I hid from mommy and daddy when we heard them pull in from work. When she heard them calling for us she kept quiet and was just looking in their direction with a straight face. When her mommy found us first she said, "there they are" and Ellie giggled and smiled. It was hilarious.
Tara shaved off what spikes of hair I had remaining on my head. It was a special moment. Of course we laughed and said we never imagined we would have a moment as this. I did look like a monster with my few spikes of hair. I enjoyed scaring my family with my monster hair. I would take my wig off and hide around corners and jump out and yell, "BOO!". They said it wasn't funny but I would just laugh. I wish I had taken a picture of my monster hair.
I am posting a few pictures from ice storm and flooding, with Ellie, and misc.
The creek is below our house, the other water pix is on our property. The tree pix are taken on the parkway. Then Nick in his truck. Daniel is ready to play outside with his air soft guns. Ellie playing with Pa. And later when I caught Ellie playing with her feet. And the Grand Finali with me and my bald head.
Love to all
2/4/09 My new doo.
I still have some nausea but I am now ready to go back to work tomorrow. Oh, I stopped by to see Bev when I got back in town and she thought I had my hair done. She had not seen me with my hair loss.
Love to all.
Tues. - Fatigue and nausea again.
I have learned that I really, really, need to watch what I eat from now on. Tasha and Daniel gave me a book on nutrition and cancer fighting foods and I read some of it yesterday. Last night I baked some salmon(which I would have normally fried in EVO) with no seasonings and boiled some brown rice. I ate some and it did not upset my system. I saved a portion for tonight.
I'm getting through it....slowly but surely. I guess it all means the chemo is working!
My hair is dead.
I am sitting here in my gown and I can feel my falling out and trickling down my arms. I feel it happening when I walk. I woke up this morning with a handful on my pillow. I lost a handful yesterday. I stood in front of the mirror and pulled on about ten strands and I didn't really pull. They just come off my head. This is amazing how quickly it happened. The doc was right. He said after the second treatment.
Do I really need to get a short cut tomorrow? Or just shave it all and it get it over with?
My hair is so flat to my head. It doesn't even feel like my hair. I know if I brush it now it will come out in hunks. I am not vain about my hair. I am not worried. I am amazed at how quickly it happened. I need to get me knit hat TODAY! And a scarf for work. I don't know about a wig yet.
(Question of the day) - Do I take control of the hair loss and just get rid of it?
I need to call my Sis.
It's almost Oscar time.

I am a movie buff. And I love to watch the Oscars. I always thought Billy Crystal was the best host but Ellen has done very well too. I have entertained the thought of having an Oscar party before, but I guess I am selfish at some point, because I like silence when the nominees are announced, then the winner, then the acceptance speech. To be honest I like to be able to hear everything. I am the person that gasps if I don't agree with the winner or gleams when I agree or I have even cried with the winner if they cry. Silly isn't it. I guess I'm silly like that. I like my popcorn and coke just like when I go to the movies. I even watch the Barbara Walters special and the pre-show on the red carpet.
So if any of you like the Oscars as I do, it is Feb.22nd and you are welcome to join me for popcorn and coke. I am usually by myself. We might even have some appetizers. =) We will talk and have fun.
Go Meryl, Sean, Heath, and Amy!
1/30/09 #2 of 8 Chemo Treatments
Then I wait to see the Oncolgist. They weigh me and do all of the routine checks. Then he consults before my bags of medicine are ordered.
My throat had hurt all week but no fever so I got to receive chemo. He prescribed an antibiotic for my tonsillitis. Becuase of my previous migraines and nausea he adjusted my pre-med bag to boost my system and added an extra pre-bag of emend nausea medicine. Then I received the two bags of chemo. So I had 4 things.
My white blood cells were holding at good numbers due to the daily shots of neupogen, the week after my first chemo, so next week I only need to get 4 instead of 5.
I asked him about my mood swings, hot flashes, sporadic pulse, and blood pressure spikes. I told him sometimes I feel like I am going to jump out of my skin.
He said that chemo has great affects on your hormones and it could even onset menopause or commonly known as chemo-pause. After chemo, they will put me on hormone therapy but for now I wing it. This explained a lot for me.
Today is Saturday and I have mild head pressure but not painful enough for meds and the nausea is very slight. I think I had correct dosages this time. We'll see how I do tomorrow.
Thanks for everything.
Love to all.
Go Light Your World
The kids and I have numerous songs that remind us of special times. I have a special song for each kid that they know is their song. The other day Daniel sang to me "his" song when I was feeling sick after the first chemo. It is Sunshine you are my sunshine. Then last week he laid his head on my shoulder in the car and sang Lean on me. Tara began singing this at 3 and passed it on to the boys.
Another memory song is I will be here and I played it continuously in the car when Tara and Nick were young. I went to see Steven Curtis Chapman at Van Meter at WKU and this was just one of my favorites. Tara and Grant had this as one of their wedding songs.
Tara remembers them all.
Daniel(the baby-he'll be 14 in May) still loves the hugs, sweetness, and touch and loves discussing any memory.
Nick(he'll be 18 in Feb) picked up mostly on my love for country. Hank Williams Sr. and Jr., Garth, etc...ha
I never knew how much my music would affect my children. They really have become nostalgic and traditional. The other night Tara and I spent at least 30 minutes searching the net for Mother Goose christian songs she had when she was little.
Anyways, I suggest all parents get this song for their vehicles and play it for your kids.
The seven dwarfs....and replace the words with..."I owe, I owe, so off to work I go". And make work seem fun...ha. Hidden story there. It's kinda like a joke for one of my kids.
Love to all
Another shower scene. (Hair loss)

I like the pink....ha
Ok, I have very thick hair and shed a lot. Even though, I normally clean the shower drain once after a shower. Today....I had to remove hair twice during the shower so the water would drain and then a third time, after I was done. Today was "chemo day #2" and he said I would probably begin to see a lot more hair loss.
After my first Friday chemo, I didn't go back to work until the following Wed. for four hours and then I worked straight until the next Wed. I am scheduled to go back to work on Tuesday next week. If I feel good on Monday I am planning to get a short hair cut.
I am curious if I will lose all my hair or just some of my hair. I do like hats. I can't wait to lose the leg hair...ha. I think I am most worried about losing the eyebrow hair. Can you buy fake eye brows? =)
Love to all
My Playlist
1. Just because I realize how small I am in this world but that I am His and that is the most important thing in my life.
I am a flower quickly fading,
Here today and gone tomorrow,
A wave tossed in the ocean,
A vapor in the wind.
Still you hear me when I'm calling,
Lord, you catch me when I'm falling,
And you've told me who I am.
I am yours.
I am yours.
2. I've always loved the movie The Color Purple. Oprah had it made into a Broadway musical. She chose Fantasia to be Celle the main character in the play. Here is a description of the character, which Oprah had played in the movie.
"Celle is the kind of hero we all have a chance to be whatever happens to us in this life. She bears her own suffering with grace, and reaches out to others to provide fo their needs and spare them harm. Our love for Celle grows as she makes her way through a perilous journey, as she prays without ceasing for some assurance that God sees her."
She is abused but knows there are some things that no one can take from you.
Fantasia sang this live on Oprah's show and it was an unforgettable performance. Also, here is the link to you tube to see the performance on Oprah.
3. From the movie Fireproof and I loved it.
4. Well, I can only imagine. The kids and I have loved this song for years.
5. "raise your hands and bow your head". I love the part "I find more and more truth in the words written in red". It also reminds me of...To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world. You never know when your actions touch a life.
6. "I met Gods Will on a halloween night, he was dressed as a bag of leaves" Wow..God works in many ways through young and old.
I've been searchin', wonderin', thinkin'
Lost and lookin' all my life
I've been wounded, jaded, loved and hated
I've wrestled wrong and right
He was a boy without a father
And his mother's miracle
I've been readin', writin', prayin', fightin'
I guess I would be still
Yeah, that was until
I knew God's Will
7. Amazing.
he never promised that the cross would not get heavy
and the hill would not be hard to climb
he never offered our victories without fighting
but he said help would always come in time
just remember when your standing in the valley of decision
and the adversary says give in
just hold on, our lord will show up
and he will take you through the fire again
8. Obvious
It's a blur since they told me about it
How the darkness had taken its toll
And they cut into my skin
And they cut into my body
But they will never get a piece of my soul
9. I love Alison Krauss and I think it is a peaceful song.
15. So sad. This is the remake Elton John did for Princess Diana.
Did you know Mother Theresa died the day before Diana's funeral?
And Princess Grace of Monaco died 15 yrs years earlier.
I love anything and everything about Grace Kelly.
Especially the movie Rear Window.
16. Has been a favorite of mine for years.
The remaining songs I just really, really like.
That's all for now...this was different wasn't it?
1/23/09 Whew!!! What a week.
Daniel's platelet counts are up to 124,000...woohoo!
Bev went to a movement disorder specialist last week at Vandy and he thinks she has three types of distonia. In her eyes, face, and neck. He wanted to give her botox that day. Of course, she said no. Every doctor has a different diagnosis. I pray and hope that she will have a diagnosis and treatment plan to begin healing. She is so much stronger than me. I love my Sis so much and it is difficult to see her like this and knowing there is no "plan" YET for recovering. I wish I could do more.
1/21/09 Chemo Headaches
I would really like to have one night of good sleep.
This has been tougher than expected but I think of others such as my Sis, Kaydence Morris, James Bow, and Flo Devasher. Let's keep them on our prayer lists.
Inspiration is all around us.
1/18/09 - Hangin' in there
My nausea has subsided but I literally feel like I have been run over by a truck. I've taken advil but my shoulders, sides, neck, and legs are aching. Kinda like the flu. And I am zapped of all energy and find it difficult to get comfortable. My headache is gone though. I am thinking I might need to take four days off for a chemo treatment instead of three. But I will see how I am feeling tomorrow.
I'm hanging in there and I just have to grin and bear it for a while. It will all be over in a few months....ha
Love to all
1/17/09 My Instructions
Definition -
What is Neupogen (filgrastim)?: Neupogen (filgrastim) is a drug given to patients who have neutropenia (low neutrophil count). An injection of Neupogen stimulates white blood cell production. It is a clear liquid that is usually given as a shot (injection). Use For Breast Cancer: Chemotherapy for breast cancer affects all the rapidly dividing cells in your body, including bone marrow cells, which produce white and red blood cells and platelets. Fewer bone marrow cells means less blood cells. If your CBC shows that your neutrophil count is low, you may be neutropenic. Injections of Neupogen can boost production of your neutrophils, a special type of white blood cell that helps your body fight infection.
I need to-
- Stay away from Walmart or public places as such
- Not get a fever - call Doc immediately is over 100.5
- Do not get sick or I can't get my chemo
- Wash hands frequently and use sanitizing hand gel often
- Eat six smaller meals instead of 3 large
- Due to mouth sores possible to develop - stay away from high acidity, carbonation drinks, etc. Regular tea mixed with Green tea is good.
- Drink lots of clear liquids to help flush the chemo
- Flush twice for two days after chemo because of the toxins
- Wear a mask if needed to keep germs away
- Stay away from greasy foods and eat healthier but get the calories in
- and an entire list of "watch fors"
The Doc. called in a prescription for two nauseous pills for me to my pharmacy and both cost $178.00. I am taking some nauseous pills I already had at home that are less dosage to see how I do first.
I am a little nauseous, the headaches are worse and I just feel tired and queezy. Just small bursts of energy here and there.
Our grandbaby has a Dr. Appt because she has a cold or something but I hope to see her tomorrow and I will wear a mask if needed. Also, on her next monthly shots she is injected with a virus and they have been told to keep away from anyone taking chemo for a few weeks. This will bother me more than anything.
I think I covered everything. Oh, and I watched Amadeus and Ghandi again this weekend. Of course, I fall asleep and have to watch them in segments. Ha
Have a blessed day!
1/16/09 GO - First Chemo
I woke up with terrible pain in my left shoulder and upper arm and I took 3 Advil. I could not wait to see my surgeon at 8:30 to ask about the pain.
8:30 - Surgeons office - Medical Arts Bldg at the Med. Center
He suspected the pain described was due to the needle left in on Tuesday when I got my port. Probably, muscle spasms and it would go away when removed after my chemo. He drained off 6 tubes of fluid from the node removal area.
The remaining day was spent at Graves Gilbert Clinic
9:20 - Lab Work
I went to the treatment room to have blood drawn for testing to see if my blood count was good for chemo.
11:00 - Oncologist (Chemo Doc)
I was consulted and checked for everything- weight, blood pressure, illness, mouth, port site, any new physical pains, etc. He ordered a Echocardiogram before I begin chemo.
11:15 - Echocardiogram
The purpose of this test is to see how well my heart pumps blood, and to determine if my valves are functioning properly. Melvin had to help me undress waist up because of my shoulder pain. They attached ECG wires at various places on my chest. He asked me to lie on my left side, to obtain pictures of my heart using a special probe and ultrasonic gel. It hurt because of my pain on that side. It took approximately 45 minutes. Melvin helped me dress and cried a little from the pain.
12:00 - Oncology office
I went straight to a nurse and asked for any pain medication. She gave me two extra strength Tylenol and I sat in the treatment room relaxing and waiting for pain relief. The nurses said they were waiting on approval from the doc to give me chemo. The Echocardiogram results were on his desk. After feeling better, and since I hadn't eaten all day, I went to the waiting room and asked Melvin to go ahead and get something to eat to bring me something to eat, because I was just waiting.
I made a new friend.
I went back the treatment room which is a room full of reclining chairs, windows, a couple of wall mounted tv's, snacks, drinks, etc. Also, there were several nurses and four or five other patients receiving chemo. When I returned a nurse said the lady asked me to give you the tv remote. She was three recliners down from me. I looked her and thanked her. We talked for a while. Her name is Flo DeVasher and my mom's maiden name is DeVasher. She is from Russellville and attends First Baptist Church. She has been battling Leukemia. Her husband is a distant cousin of my Uncle Wallace DeVasher that had the car lot on Columbia Ave. Her husband passed a couple of years back and her son has brought her to all of her treatments. She is approx. 75-80. She has added me to her prayer list and I told her that I would pass her name on to my support group. So please add Flo Devasher to your prayer list. She mentioned once how she had asked God to answer a prayer and he didn't. But come to find out later he answered in a different way and things worked out for the better. She laughed and said he knows best.
What a lovely lady and how she blessed me by uplifting me on a day I needed it most.
Melvin returned and we ate in the waiting room. Then the nurse came and said they were ready for me. Mom and Wayne had stopped by so I hugged all and went back to the treatment room.
1:30 - Chemo
First, I had a bag of premeds(for nauseousness, steroids for the fatigue, and another) it was a mix of medicines that took about 30 minutes to drip.
Second, I had my first chemo nicknamed the "red devil".
Adriamycin (Doxorubicin): Adriamycin is a chemotherapy drug, a type of anthracycline antibiotic that is an anti-tumor drug. It is made from the bacterium Streptomyces. Use For Breast Cancer: Adriamycin can be used to treat early-stage or node-postive breast cancer, HER2-positive breast cancer, and metastatic disease. Adriamycin is sometimes combined with cytoxan and/or 5-flouracil to make a cocktail of breast-cancer fighting chemotherapy drugs.
It was bright red and manually slowly squeezed from a syringe into my port by a nurse. She pulled out a little blood frquently and mixed it with the blood.
It took about 30 minutes.
Third, I had my second chemo Cytoxan.
Cytoxan is a chemotherapy drug that is used in combination with other drugs to treat cancer. It is derived from mustard gas, and is an anti-tumor drug. Cytoxan is often combined with two other drugs, Adriamycin and 5-Fluorouracil, in a chemotherapy infusion to treat breast cancer. This combination is called AC, FAC or CAF.
It took about an hour.
I had my needle removed from my port and immediately felt better.
I left for home about 3:00.
I'll email later about all of my instructions for the next couple of months.
Bev sees a new doctor next week and I will email about that also. Daniel is doing fine. And I am a little nauseous but have headaches.
Remember Flo and love to all.
1/15/09 The Landrums Blog
Tara had a good post today. I always enjoy reading their blog.
Her post today reminded me of an old quote. Which I have always loved.
You can check out their blog at...
Oh, and Grant is speaking at church on Sunday and I am looking forward to that. I hope I am not too nauseous to go.
1/14/09 Daniel and his ITP

Daniel has ITP and last week his blood platelet count dropped again. He was getting tiny red spots on his ankles again. His test came back at 10,000(a normal count is about 150,000 to 450,000) then last Friday it was 14,000 and today it is 79,000. This is the third time it has dropped. The second time it dropped to 8,000. The first was the worst at 1,000 and he was rushed to Kosairs in the ambulance and he had to receive a treatment which causes painful reactions. His pediatric hematologist said the reactions will worsen with each additional treatment. So we always wait and pray that his numbers increase. When his numbers are low he can do no physical activity for fear he will bleed internally. In other words, he is bleeding internally because his blood will not clot. He can not brush his teeth as normal when it is very low. Nose bleeding and gum bleeding are major concerns. We hope and pray it goes remission forever. I would give anything to take this condition from him.
What Is Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura?
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is a bleeding condition in which the blood doesn’t clot as it should. This is due to a low number of blood cells called platelets (PLATE-lets).
Platelets are also called thrombocytes (THROM-bo-sites), and they’re made in your bone marrow (along with other kinds of blood cells). Platelets circulate through the blood vessels and help stop bleeding by sticking together (clotting) to seal small cuts or breaks.
Idiopathic (id-ee-o-PATH-ick) means that the cause of the disease or condition isn’t known. Thrombocytopenic (throm-bo-cy-toe-PEE-nick) means there is a lower-than-normal number of platelets in the blood. Purpura (PURR-purr-ah) are purple bruises caused by bleeding under the skin. More extensive bleeding can create a three-dimensional mass called a hematoma (he-ma-TO-ma).
1/13/09 Get Set - Got Port
Me and Dad arrived at the Medical Center at 11:30.
I got in my gown, had a warm blanket, and then SHE came to do my IV. Last time, she didn't ask and this time she did. She said they had a "pilot" they were testing and it was something about putting I think saline in before they introduced the drip or something. She said some people have a little discomfort. Then I remembered last time my arm hurt extremely bad and I complained numerous times and I can usually take the pain. I hurt for days later. But since she asked this time and I knew what she was going to do.... I said NO. I said that I wanted the "regular" and that I will not be used for the testing.
Then I read a few pages in my book and Dad came in to sit with me until it was time. I was first on my Doc's list today and when the nurse was checking my previous incision he arrived. I said, "yeah that Dr. Daniels did that to me" and being the funny man that he is, he replies with, "we need to do something about him". He confirmed that I should have no blood pressure taken on my right arm or anything for that matter because I had nodes removed from my pit area and they have not healed. That's why I get fluid build up. So they brought in a big red piece of paper which stated that fact and taped it to my bed. He prayed with me and then he and Dad left.
Anesthesiology came at 1:00 and I was happy to get Stacey again. She is hilarious. I've never heard anyone talk so fast. I answered no, no, no, no, no. She gave me my drugs and I told her and Jennifer(my nurse for surgery) to not take me to the basement and to tell Dr. Daniels I had drawn a bulls eye where he was suppose operate. Then I was out. Later, they said they did tell him and he had a laugh.
I woke up at 3:00(which was longer than expected) and my nurse said I had awakened once and said, "keep that redheaded nurse away from me. After my first surgery I asked her if I needed an arm sling and she told me I wasn't crippled." They asked if it was true and I said yes. They said they had been trying to figure out which red head and I politely in detail explained the red head's features.=)
Okay, my husband was present when the red head made her statement and he can testify to this. As the red head walked away I uncontrollably lifted a specific finger. Remember.... I was drug induced and this was in December.
This is a new year and I WAS taking precautions against the threat because I now "walk therein".
I wanted to get out of there and eat. And I was sore and just simply grumpy. She gave me a prescription for Loritabs(which I will not get filled), she called for Dad to come back, and then we left. We stopped to eat and I took advil and came home.
I'm sore, I have taken more advil, I'm cranky, I hate this mound of gauze on my chest and itty bitty tube dangling, I fried me three chicken wings, I watched American Idol(I like Deanna and the sight impaired guy), I'm typing this and I'm going to bed and watch Amadeus(again). And I go back to work Thursday 3-11.
I'm blessed.
I'm SET.
1/12/09 Get Ready

Well, I love my job again. (Long Story)
I've been working a lot and reacquainting myself to my position and a few changes within the hotel. I really do like it.
I am reading a great book that Tara gave me to read. It is the first in a series of 13. It is titled Redemption. And I really like it. I think I need to get my eyes checked too. =) The book references scriptures and I have enjoyed that too. One scripture that I had never heard before is remember the height from which you have fallen(Rev2:5). Wow, to me that's a live and learn statement. I highly recommend this book. Thanks Tara.
Tomorrow I get my port"installed" in my chest wall for my chemo treatments.
It will be outpatient surgery since I will be sedated. I told everyone it's nothing major so no need to come. I told Melvin he could work and that Dad has offered to take me.
I guess I will broadcast my blog now.
01/09/09 Work - PreOp - Deflation

I worked until 1:30. Then I went to the Medical Center to do my pre-op and I fell asleep reading in the waiting room. Then I went to my surgeons office.
It is difficult to work and sleep or do anything when you have fluid build up as I do. I was miserable until my surgeon took care of me today. He used the large syringes again and after numbing me he filled over 9 syringes. Last time I had 7 1/4. Until I heal where the nodes were removed I will have this build up. I always feel great after deflation.
And then I drove home.
Tara, Grant, and Ellie are coming out later and we are going to play Scene It. I can't wait because it will be uplifting and fun. Of course, my grandgirl will make anyone smile.
1/02/09 Grant blogged!
*The Landrum's*
1/01/2009 - I Resolve
- To be a better christian
- To quit smoking
- To show my love more
- To read God's word everyday
Thanks to everyone.
I know that I should have Him in my daily walk of this life I have been given. So I am going to make that commitment.
Today, the first day of 2009 I found and learned the following. Which I think is the perfect scripture to begin my new year with.
"Stand in the ways and see,
And ask for the old paths,
Wherein is the good way,
And walk therein"
(Jer 6:16)
Stand still and consider. Consider not only the choice of ways ahead, but also, importantly, look back at the way by which you have come.
There are many changes in the world and many new paths recommended by the world, and the world confuses change with progress.There is ancient, timeless, wisdom which cannot be improved upon. It shall always be the best path to follow.
It is not enough to "see" the good way. It's not enough even to recognize that it is good. You have to actually enter into that way and "walk therein". We have to follow that way and make it our way of life.
So this year I will especially remember "walk therein". And especially at work.