11/29/08 Gettin' Out

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We did.
Me and the kids did some shopping yesterday afternoon. Nick drove me, Tara, and Daniel around and even to BG. He was so sweet taking charge, offering to open doors for me and carrying my bags..which they all offered. It was a very nice time with the kids. I couldn't have asked for a better shopping day. I have a little over a week to squeeze in as much as I can before my next surgery and begin treatments. I see my oncologist for the first time on the 8th.
Last week I was a little down because when I got my tube out, he said depending on my next pathology results from my upcoming surgery, I may need another surgery and possibly some reconstructive surgery. I pray that this next surgery and the treatments will be enough.
My incision is a little sore and uncomfortable and my arm isn't at full strength so I try not to use it. Well, I can't unscrew things, reach high, pick up heavy things...etc. But other than that I really feel fine and I am ready to fight.

I heard from Kathy.
She is having an outpatient biopsy. The one that they do with mammography. It will probably be the same day as my next surgery on the 9th.
the following is what she wrote...he said there was a small cluster and that it is contained, not into any surrounding tissue and 80% of the time they are NOT cancerous but needs to do the biopsy.
I pray it is not cancerous and she does not need surgery.

I spoke to Bev this morning and of course she continues to struggle with speaking and other things related. I pray her medicine gets adjusted quickly so she can get some rest and be without any pain.

Thanks for all of the emails, cards, and especially the prayers.
Have a blessed week.
I am really blessed.
And if you have never seen Facing the Giants, I encourage you to watch this with your family.
Thanks Tara and Grant for the movie. I love you and I can not wait for Fireproof.
We all have Giants in our lives.
Don't quit until you've got nothing left.
Do your very best every day.

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