I went back to work today and worked 8 hours. I am so glad to be working again. It really felt good to be back at work. I have to admit....I think I am a nicer person to work with than when I left. I've had a lot happen since Nov. 17th.
I have changed for the better. I've turned a new leaf. Hmmm, what could it be.
I'm going through "THIS" and my blood pressure is better than it has been in a while. I'm happier, and nicer, and I've grown these pretty duck feathers on my back.
I should be a basket case.
I am so blessed and happy.
Resolution thoughts 12/31 8:20pm
12/29/08 Non-scheduled Doc appt.
Over the weekend I had a lot of swelling and was a little worried. I thought I am going back to work next week and now I have something else to deal with. Just when I was feeling better. As Tara and I entered the parking lot of the Med. Center she reminded me that.....'If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans'. And then we laughed.
Anyhoo, Doc numbed the area and I had 7 1/4 large syringes of fluid drawn from me. When he was done my arm could lay against my side. It felt so much better.
I also got my note for work that I was physically able to work again. I asked her to leave out the fact I had a libotomy too. ha
I go back next week for another check-up and deflating. My first day back to work is the 31st.
Anyhoo, Doc numbed the area and I had 7 1/4 large syringes of fluid drawn from me. When he was done my arm could lay against my side. It felt so much better.
I also got my note for work that I was physically able to work again. I asked her to leave out the fact I had a libotomy too. ha
I go back next week for another check-up and deflating. My first day back to work is the 31st.
12/30/08 Pondering
I never had a new year resolution I kept throughout the year. I ponder what I want to accomplish. It scares me to think I will be posting this and I must follow through. I have today and tomorrow to finalize my list...hmmm
12/13/08 2nd surgery pathology results
I was wired from the morphine for a day and then my hydrocodone knocked me loopy and sluggish for a couple of days where i was nauseous and drugged like. I didn't like and dad took me yesterday for my results. I slept all the way there and lost my balance getting off the exam table. As of last night i am trying to just take aleve. whew
i did not get a tube on tues so thanks for the prayers with that...i dreaded it.
i have had some swelling but he said everything is lokking good.
and the best news is that i do not need a thir surgery of mastectomey and reconstructive surgery--thank you for your prayers again
all tissues around this removal area were negative
i see the oncologist next surgery on my date to begin chemo and then my surgeon will do an outpatient procedure to install my port in my chest wall because they said some veins in the arm can get damaged if i do that each session or something
thanks for all of your prayers, emails, and just thinking of me
i'm still a little sluggish but i wanted to tell you that your prayers have truly worked miracles for me
i'm blessed because of you
below...do you really want to know my thoughts????
now i am going to lay around until next thursday and rest peacefully
i'll share this...my life has been crazy and out of control...our whole family has had a lot of things
we make plans and walk daily the way we think we should...work, here, there, work..go, go, go
after i had found my lump and before the tests i got a call at work that Daniels bleeding disorder may be back and this meant possibly another painful treatment for him and hospitalization...i lost it at work...i went to my HR lady and said "God is punishing me" and i cried.
i had held everything in and my blood pressure medicine had been increased to 4 a day.
Daniels numbers got better and he needed no treatment.
Bev has found a new doctor and it's day by day until she gets better.
this past month I have been directed to many unknown places and to familiar neglected places....I am so not in control of anything
proverbs 16:9
A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.
this morning in a more lucid state i think He brought me through the fire again and relieved me of having no tube and good results yesterday
i think i am in a surrender stage
i watched this video and smiled.....
I'll add a quote from "facing the giants" praise Him when you win and praise Him when you lose"
sorry sometimes i think i write too much
i did not get a tube on tues so thanks for the prayers with that...i dreaded it.
i have had some swelling but he said everything is lokking good.
and the best news is that i do not need a thir surgery of mastectomey and reconstructive surgery--thank you for your prayers again
all tissues around this removal area were negative
i see the oncologist next surgery on my date to begin chemo and then my surgeon will do an outpatient procedure to install my port in my chest wall because they said some veins in the arm can get damaged if i do that each session or something
thanks for all of your prayers, emails, and just thinking of me
i'm still a little sluggish but i wanted to tell you that your prayers have truly worked miracles for me
i'm blessed because of you
below...do you really want to know my thoughts????
now i am going to lay around until next thursday and rest peacefully
i'll share this...my life has been crazy and out of control...our whole family has had a lot of things
we make plans and walk daily the way we think we should...work, here, there, work..go, go, go
after i had found my lump and before the tests i got a call at work that Daniels bleeding disorder may be back and this meant possibly another painful treatment for him and hospitalization...i lost it at work...i went to my HR lady and said "God is punishing me" and i cried.
i had held everything in and my blood pressure medicine had been increased to 4 a day.
Daniels numbers got better and he needed no treatment.
Bev has found a new doctor and it's day by day until she gets better.
this past month I have been directed to many unknown places and to familiar neglected places....I am so not in control of anything
proverbs 16:9
A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.
this morning in a more lucid state i think He brought me through the fire again and relieved me of having no tube and good results yesterday
i think i am in a surrender stage
i watched this video and smiled.....
I'll add a quote from "facing the giants" praise Him when you win and praise Him when you lose"
sorry sometimes i think i write too much
12/9/08 2nd Surgery
sorry long email
Thanks for asking so I thought I would email because i will be "loopy" after surgery today.
Peggy told me last time I emailed at 2a.m. after my first surgery. That hydrocodone is crazy stuff. I don't remember a lot of things. I guess it's good I have people around me. Who knows..I could get in my car and drive to work...ha
And Melvin said on the way home from the hospital at midnight(they wanted me stay overnite but I said no) we were first to come upon a wreck and i went to jump out(the peoples car was overturned) and he said no ...you stay here. (that was the morphine) They used jaws of life when they got there but everyone was ok later.
Monday with Dr Smith at Graves Gilbert. I was there for 2 hours and we discussed everything. First, I had a lump and 12 lymph nodes removed for testing the last time. 4 out of 12 were positive for cancer. I have the type of breast cancer called Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. And estrogen makes my cancer happy. He believes that Dr Daniel can get "clear margins"(tissue around the lump and lymph node area) today and I will not need a third surgery which would mean mastectomy and reconstructive surgery.
I will need chemo first then radiation and hormone therapy together. I don't know how long for each but chemo every other week and radiation daily. It will last through summer and I should be done by fall. I am not at low or high risk but moderate. I will start chemo after recovery from todays surgery...if I don't need a third(+ and pray). I am suppose to ask my surgeon today about a port for my chemo treatments. It's inserted in the chest wall and they will not have to find a vein each time. The chemo gets in the blood stream faster because it is near the heart or something. The port will not be inserted today.
So....I pray that Fridays results will be no more surgery. If I have to then ok but I just don't like the drainage tube.
I'm ok..this is what I have and this is what I have to do. I think it will take 3 wks for my feeling to come back in my arm and I hope to be back at work the first week of January =). And then I will work around my chemo.(hint, hint, Jeremy and Mindy)
Oh, my surgeon is Dr Daniel in BG and he did Nicks surgery in 91 when he was a month old and he removed a fibroid lump for me in 94. He prayed before surgery then and he still does. I am thankful for him too and wanted to share that in case you ever need a surgeon.
I need to be there at 1 today....and I'm ok.
Love to all,
Thanks for asking so I thought I would email because i will be "loopy" after surgery today.
Peggy told me last time I emailed at 2a.m. after my first surgery. That hydrocodone is crazy stuff. I don't remember a lot of things. I guess it's good I have people around me. Who knows..I could get in my car and drive to work...ha
And Melvin said on the way home from the hospital at midnight(they wanted me stay overnite but I said no) we were first to come upon a wreck and i went to jump out(the peoples car was overturned) and he said no ...you stay here. (that was the morphine) They used jaws of life when they got there but everyone was ok later.
Monday with Dr Smith at Graves Gilbert. I was there for 2 hours and we discussed everything. First, I had a lump and 12 lymph nodes removed for testing the last time. 4 out of 12 were positive for cancer. I have the type of breast cancer called Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. And estrogen makes my cancer happy. He believes that Dr Daniel can get "clear margins"(tissue around the lump and lymph node area) today and I will not need a third surgery which would mean mastectomy and reconstructive surgery.
I will need chemo first then radiation and hormone therapy together. I don't know how long for each but chemo every other week and radiation daily. It will last through summer and I should be done by fall. I am not at low or high risk but moderate. I will start chemo after recovery from todays surgery...if I don't need a third(+ and pray). I am suppose to ask my surgeon today about a port for my chemo treatments. It's inserted in the chest wall and they will not have to find a vein each time. The chemo gets in the blood stream faster because it is near the heart or something. The port will not be inserted today.
So....I pray that Fridays results will be no more surgery. If I have to then ok but I just don't like the drainage tube.
I'm ok..this is what I have and this is what I have to do. I think it will take 3 wks for my feeling to come back in my arm and I hope to be back at work the first week of January =). And then I will work around my chemo.(hint, hint, Jeremy and Mindy)
Oh, my surgeon is Dr Daniel in BG and he did Nicks surgery in 91 when he was a month old and he removed a fibroid lump for me in 94. He prayed before surgery then and he still does. I am thankful for him too and wanted to share that in case you ever need a surgeon.
I need to be there at 1 today....and I'm ok.
Love to all,
12/8/08 A Big Thank You

Today I send a big Thank You to you.
I have my coffee and private time every morning and I have a some favorite songs from some favorite singers I watch first to get me going before my "private time". i wanted to share one of them. (I shared this with Aud a long time ago).
So thanks for what you have done for me and my family. The kind words, prayers,...everything.
I'm doing great as I prepare for tomorrow.
Love to all,
I share this with you
12/5/08 "Feeling" Better
I am getting feeling back in my arm from my shoulder to my elbow. But I go Tuesday and have some lymph nodes removed and they will run test on tissue remaining after the removal. I also got to sleep without having my arm propped up and I got to sleep on my belly. yea!!!
Bev is still getting her medicine adjusted and she is now taking some pills during the day including her advil. It's going to take a while. We had a great sister day this week.
Love to all,
Thanks for the prayers, cards and emails....and the angel.
You're amazing.
Bev is still getting her medicine adjusted and she is now taking some pills during the day including her advil. It's going to take a while. We had a great sister day this week.
Love to all,
Thanks for the prayers, cards and emails....and the angel.
You're amazing.
12/02/08 - 1 week before second surgery
(I copied all previous comments from my email)
Today is the first day I have actually posted any comments. Tara thought doing a blog would be a good idea. I opened this about two weeks ago and could not bring myself to post anything.
It's still hard to believe that I have breast cancer.
I feel fine other than the surgery pains I've had. Some of my numbness from my shoulder to my elbow has gone away. I get tingling sensations I guess from my nerves repairing. And I guess this causes my sharp pains I get sometimes too. I can rest my arm on the desk and type away but to do otherwise and clicking and moving the mouse is different. Sometimes I wish my incision was actually on my breast and I could use my arms freely. I had a fibroid lump in 94 in my right breast and I had no problems afterwards. With this being in my armpit area it has cause some difficulties. I can't let my arm hang like the other because it hurts. I sleep with my arm on a pillow. I can't unscrew things, pick up heavy things, and push or pull hard.
And try wiping with the opposite hand =).
I'm really okay. I know in a week I will be back to all of the numbness and hydrocodone again. But I can do it.... as I did the first time.
Today is the first day I have actually posted any comments. Tara thought doing a blog would be a good idea. I opened this about two weeks ago and could not bring myself to post anything.
It's still hard to believe that I have breast cancer.
I feel fine other than the surgery pains I've had. Some of my numbness from my shoulder to my elbow has gone away. I get tingling sensations I guess from my nerves repairing. And I guess this causes my sharp pains I get sometimes too. I can rest my arm on the desk and type away but to do otherwise and clicking and moving the mouse is different. Sometimes I wish my incision was actually on my breast and I could use my arms freely. I had a fibroid lump in 94 in my right breast and I had no problems afterwards. With this being in my armpit area it has cause some difficulties. I can't let my arm hang like the other because it hurts. I sleep with my arm on a pillow. I can't unscrew things, pick up heavy things, and push or pull hard.
And try wiping with the opposite hand =).
I'm really okay. I know in a week I will be back to all of the numbness and hydrocodone again. But I can do it.... as I did the first time.
11/29/08 Gettin' Out
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We did.
Me and the kids did some shopping yesterday afternoon. Nick drove me, Tara, and Daniel around and even to BG. He was so sweet taking charge, offering to open doors for me and carrying my bags..which they all offered. It was a very nice time with the kids. I couldn't have asked for a better shopping day. I have a little over a week to squeeze in as much as I can before my next surgery and begin treatments. I see my oncologist for the first time on the 8th.
Last week I was a little down because when I got my tube out, he said depending on my next pathology results from my upcoming surgery, I may need another surgery and possibly some reconstructive surgery. I pray that this next surgery and the treatments will be enough.
My incision is a little sore and uncomfortable and my arm isn't at full strength so I try not to use it. Well, I can't unscrew things, reach high, pick up heavy things...etc. But other than that I really feel fine and I am ready to fight.
I heard from Kathy.
She is having an outpatient biopsy. The one that they do with mammography. It will probably be the same day as my next surgery on the 9th.
the following is what she wrote...he said there was a small cluster and that it is contained, not into any surrounding tissue and 80% of the time they are NOT cancerous but needs to do the biopsy.
I pray it is not cancerous and she does not need surgery.
I spoke to Bev this morning and of course she continues to struggle with speaking and other things related. I pray her medicine gets adjusted quickly so she can get some rest and be without any pain.
Thanks for all of the emails, cards, and especially the prayers.
Have a blessed week.
I am really blessed.
And if you have never seen Facing the Giants, I encourage you to watch this with your family.
Thanks Tara and Grant for the movie. I love you and I can not wait for Fireproof.
We all have Giants in our lives.
Don't quit until you've got nothing left.
Do your very best every day.
Me and the kids did some shopping yesterday afternoon. Nick drove me, Tara, and Daniel around and even to BG. He was so sweet taking charge, offering to open doors for me and carrying my bags..which they all offered. It was a very nice time with the kids. I couldn't have asked for a better shopping day. I have a little over a week to squeeze in as much as I can before my next surgery and begin treatments. I see my oncologist for the first time on the 8th.
Last week I was a little down because when I got my tube out, he said depending on my next pathology results from my upcoming surgery, I may need another surgery and possibly some reconstructive surgery. I pray that this next surgery and the treatments will be enough.
My incision is a little sore and uncomfortable and my arm isn't at full strength so I try not to use it. Well, I can't unscrew things, reach high, pick up heavy things...etc. But other than that I really feel fine and I am ready to fight.
I heard from Kathy.
She is having an outpatient biopsy. The one that they do with mammography. It will probably be the same day as my next surgery on the 9th.
the following is what she wrote...he said there was a small cluster and that it is contained, not into any surrounding tissue and 80% of the time they are NOT cancerous but needs to do the biopsy.
I pray it is not cancerous and she does not need surgery.
I spoke to Bev this morning and of course she continues to struggle with speaking and other things related. I pray her medicine gets adjusted quickly so she can get some rest and be without any pain.
Thanks for all of the emails, cards, and especially the prayers.
Have a blessed week.
I am really blessed.
And if you have never seen Facing the Giants, I encourage you to watch this with your family.
Thanks Tara and Grant for the movie. I love you and I can not wait for Fireproof.
We all have Giants in our lives.
Don't quit until you've got nothing left.
Do your very best every day.
11/26/08 Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
Beverly had her MRI yesterday and we saw her new neurologist afterwards. Her MRI was good. He doesn't think she will need anymore tests. He still doesn't think she has distonia. He doesn't think she has an eye disease.
He continues to believe her pain around her eyes, neck and shoulders is due to her neck muscles. He told her where she was having the pain and he pushed on those areas and said all of that is related to your neck. He thinks he can fix her with medications. Because she has not had any deep sleep in months..probably a year. He has given her a couple of medications to help make her drowsy so she can sleep good and not wake up with pain. She is suppose to check in with him so he can make adjustments to the medications to help them work for her. And he said to not go back to the other neurologist in Louisville because the botox he gave her was not needed. The other gave her 31 shots of botox around her eyes, face, and neck. She can not now control any of those muscles because they are paralyzed. She can't even swallow good. It will take several months for that to go way. She will never see Dr. Olson inLouisville again.
She took 2 pills last night and woke up without pain this morning. She will struggle to talk, not bite herself in her mouth, and move her neck around until this botox wears off. Which means, botox is permanent and he said it goes away when nerves rebuild themselves and move around(grow around) the injected area.
Please pray that this does not take several months. Also, that she will get much needed deep sleep so her neck muscles can rest and repair.
I get my tube out today...woohoo! My incision area is still sore and I am taking Aleve for now. Next week I go for pre-op and bloodwork for my lymph node surgery on the 9th.
Thanks for everything...I am blessed. And today isTara 's birthday! Her first birthday as a mother.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Love to all,
He continues to believe her pain around her eyes, neck and shoulders is due to her neck muscles. He told her where she was having the pain and he pushed on those areas and said all of that is related to your neck. He thinks he can fix her with medications. Because she has not had any deep sleep in months..probably a year. He has given her a couple of medications to help make her drowsy so she can sleep good and not wake up with pain. She is suppose to check in with him so he can make adjustments to the medications to help them work for her. And he said to not go back to the other neurologist in Louisville because the botox he gave her was not needed. The other gave her 31 shots of botox around her eyes, face, and neck. She can not now control any of those muscles because they are paralyzed. She can't even swallow good. It will take several months for that to go way. She will never see Dr. Olson in
She took 2 pills last night and woke up without pain this morning. She will struggle to talk, not bite herself in her mouth, and move her neck around until this botox wears off. Which means, botox is permanent and he said it goes away when nerves rebuild themselves and move around(grow around) the injected area.
Please pray that this does not take several months. Also, that she will get much needed deep sleep so her neck muscles can rest and repair.
I get my tube out today...woohoo! My incision area is still sore and I am taking Aleve for now. Next week I go for pre-op and bloodwork for my lymph node surgery on the 9th.
Thanks for everything...I am blessed. And today is
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Love to all,
11/26/08 Happy Thanksgiving from Rita
11/23/08 - Neighbors
I love my neighbors.
My sister-in-law(Peggy) and mother-in-law(Jean).
Jean is always there to cook, clean, wash, anything she can do for me. I don't know where she gets her energy.
We also have had some special talks during this ordeal that I will cherish forever.
Peggy is like a second sister to me. I can call her anytime, about anything, and she will always take time to listen. And she has good advice. =) She also helped me with my incision care and bandaging.
I'm thankful for them both....always
My sister-in-law(Peggy) and mother-in-law(Jean).
Jean is always there to cook, clean, wash, anything she can do for me. I don't know where she gets her energy.
We also have had some special talks during this ordeal that I will cherish forever.
Peggy is like a second sister to me. I can call her anytime, about anything, and she will always take time to listen. And she has good advice. =) She also helped me with my incision care and bandaging.
I'm thankful for them both....always
11/21/08 1st surgery - Pathology Results
(I will need another surgery)
Todays results could have been better but they could have worse too.
I'll try to explain...by what I heard and read on the report.
Intramammary Lymph Nodes - one of two lymph nodes positive for metastatic adenocarcinoma. there are a total of 4 of 12 nodes positive for metastatic mammary carcinoma.
He doesn't think I will need a mastectomy. I will need surgery to remove this lymph node area and he believes he can clear margins around the area. I will need chemo added to the radiation of course. It is stage 3 because of the lymph nodes.
I get my drainage tube taken out next wednesday. On Dec 9th I have my surgery and then I begin treatments with my team of doctors for oncology, nuclear medicine, etc.
I feel fine other than the loopiness from hydrocodone. I could not wait to get home and let my incision get some air. It had rubbed against some clothing and caused some burning but that's all I have felt.
Tara and Bev went with me and it was hard for them but they were strong around me. After i got in my gown we held hands and recitedTara 's bible verse she had found.
I made Bev stay home afterwards because she was having a horrible spasm day. I had Tara go home and spend the rest of the day with Ellie becauseTara goes back to school on Monday. We all needed to go home and absorb the information in our own way. I have spoken to them recently and they are some better.
My life is going to be different for a while but again, it could have been worse and I am really blessed to have found this very small "active" cancerous lump when I did. It was already attaching to my nodes. Please check yourselves regularly and make appointments for your exams. Breast cancer does not run in my family. And this was in my arm pit area.
Everything will be ok...I have results and now I have a plan to fight back. I have a lot to fight for.
Thank you for everything and I appreciate your prayers and emails.
Bevs MRI is Tuesday so please pray for her and for Kathy to get good results from her testing.
Email me anytime if you have questions and I will be happy to share my information if you have friends or family with the same situation. And thank you for letting me share my information with you. This is my link to the outside world. I am already feeling cooped up in 88 and it has only been a few days. =)
Todays results could have been better but they could have worse too.
I'll try to explain...by what I heard and read on the report.
Intramammary Lymph Nodes - one of two lymph nodes positive for metastatic adenocarcinoma. there are a total of 4 of 12 nodes positive for metastatic mammary carcinoma.
He doesn't think I will need a mastectomy. I will need surgery to remove this lymph node area and he believes he can clear margins around the area. I will need chemo added to the radiation of course. It is stage 3 because of the lymph nodes.
I get my drainage tube taken out next wednesday. On Dec 9th I have my surgery and then I begin treatments with my team of doctors for oncology, nuclear medicine, etc.
I feel fine other than the loopiness from hydrocodone. I could not wait to get home and let my incision get some air. It had rubbed against some clothing and caused some burning but that's all I have felt.
Tara and Bev went with me and it was hard for them but they were strong around me. After i got in my gown we held hands and recited
I made Bev stay home afterwards because she was having a horrible spasm day. I had Tara go home and spend the rest of the day with Ellie because
My life is going to be different for a while but again, it could have been worse and I am really blessed to have found this very small "active" cancerous lump when I did. It was already attaching to my nodes. Please check yourselves regularly and make appointments for your exams. Breast cancer does not run in my family. And this was in my arm pit area.
Everything will be ok...I have results and now I have a plan to fight back. I have a lot to fight for.
Thank you for everything and I appreciate your prayers and emails.
Bevs MRI is Tuesday so please pray for her and for Kathy to get good results from her testing.
Email me anytime if you have questions and I will be happy to share my information if you have friends or family with the same situation. And thank you for letting me share my information with you. This is my link to the outside world. I am already feeling cooped up in 88 and it has only been a few days. =)
(Email from Tara)
Tomorrow (or today actually..it's 1:00am) is the day we find out the test results of my mom's surgery. As I was reading tonight, I just so happened to come across this bible verse and thought it was so fitting for the situation our family is facing right now that I started to cry, and I wanted to share it with you. I believe I found this verse for a reason for sure. It reminds me that even though I have no control over this situation, and have been questioning why this is happening, since she was diagnosed a week ago, that God is still sending me strength and hears my prayers.
"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction (distress), faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12
Thanks for continuing to pray for my mom!
11/20/08 Sisters caring for each other

I have a Hemovac/Jackson Pratt tube for drainage I have to empty and measure. Beverly changed my dressings today and applied my ointments and she did a wonderful job=).
Tomorrow at 9:30 I get my results.
Beverly is scheduled for her MRI on Tuesday with her new neurologist and we are excited about going to that and hopefully getting some answers for her.
Continue to pray for us both.
We had a good laugh today as she was trying to tape me back up and applying ointment, while I sat in the bath holding my drainage tube . With her spasms...let's just say I have tape everywhere and ointment all over me....ha
We thought what a pair.
Love to all,
My home health nurse came today and changed my dressings and checked on my drainage tube..whatever that is called and I am doing fine...especially with my hyrocodone..ha...Friday is my big result day and I will email then.
My nurse and I had a lengthy chat today and she just found out about her mammogram.
I had Beverly, Tara, little Ellie, and Nick here when she came to visit. I also had my Mom and Mother-in-law earlier today and Peggy and the boys came later. I also had numerous calls and emails. During our chat she mentioned that I had a wonderful support group and I told her that I was blessed to be mentioned on a many prayer chains. She mentioned that her news was new and she didn't have a large support group at hand and I asked her if I could share her name with my group and she said she would like that very much.
I have copied this email to her and her name is Kathy. Please share her name in your prayer groups and you can send her an email if you wish. She is a wonderful nurse and I also found out she is a hot air balloon balloon pilot.
Thank you for thinking of my new friend.
Kathy you are in my prayers. I'll see you tomorrow and we will keep in touch.
Love to all,
My nurse and I had a lengthy chat today and she just found out about her mammogram.
I had Beverly, Tara, little Ellie, and Nick here when she came to visit. I also had my Mom and Mother-in-law earlier today and Peggy and the boys came later. I also had numerous calls and emails. During our chat she mentioned that I had a wonderful support group and I told her that I was blessed to be mentioned on a many prayer chains. She mentioned that her news was new and she didn't have a large support group at hand and I asked her if I could share her name with my group and she said she would like that very much.
I have copied this email to her and her name is Kathy. Please share her name in your prayer groups and you can send her an email if you wish. She is a wonderful nurse and I also found out she is a hot air balloon balloon pilot.
Thank you for thinking of my new friend.
Kathy you are in my prayers. I'll see you tomorrow and we will keep in touch.
Love to all,
11/19/08 After Lumpectomy &Sentinol Biopsy Surgery 1:40a.m.
Of course, I do not remember typing this. I was a little loopy.
I went in at 1:00pm and got home about 12:30a.m.. It took a little longer than expected. They said I stay the night but I wanted to come home.
He injected some kind of radioactive medicine into my sentinol nodes first and I laid underneath a machine so they could take images for an hour looking for "hot spots". Then later they took me into surgery and put in a blue dye that reacts with the medicine to check for suspicious areas in the nodes. I have a 4 inch incision under my arm pit where they took out a few nodes for further testing. Then I have another area where he took out the tumor and I have a drain taped to me that I have to empty regularly. I have a nurse coming to my house daily to change the dressings. Friday I have an appointment to get my results. Of course we already know the tumor is malignant and i will need radiation. Friday I find out if i need another surgery and chemo. I had a lot of pain afterwards and they gave me some morphine and Demerol. I have hydrocodone to take at home so I am feeling no pain right now =).
I just wanted to let you know that I am ok. It'll be ok and i will take what comes and fight it.
I will go crazy at home and with light duty. I guess I will catch up on some movies.
Let me know what is going on at work so I don't feel left out.
Bev is suppose to have a cat scan of her head and neck area tomorrow. She had a bad day today but stayed with me anyways. What a sis!
Miss you guys and thanks for the emails, calls, and prayers.
I went in at 1:00pm and got home about 12:30a.m.. It took a little longer than expected. They said I stay the night but I wanted to come home.
He injected some kind of radioactive medicine into my sentinol nodes first and I laid underneath a machine so they could take images for an hour looking for "hot spots". Then later they took me into surgery and put in a blue dye that reacts with the medicine to check for suspicious areas in the nodes. I have a 4 inch incision under my arm pit where they took out a few nodes for further testing. Then I have another area where he took out the tumor and I have a drain taped to me that I have to empty regularly. I have a nurse coming to my house daily to change the dressings. Friday I have an appointment to get my results. Of course we already know the tumor is malignant and i will need radiation. Friday I find out if i need another surgery and chemo. I had a lot of pain afterwards and they gave me some morphine and Demerol. I have hydrocodone to take at home so I am feeling no pain right now =).
I just wanted to let you know that I am ok. It'll be ok and i will take what comes and fight it.
I will go crazy at home and with light duty. I guess I will catch up on some movies.
Let me know what is going on at work so I don't feel left out.
Bev is suppose to have a cat scan of her head and neck area tomorrow. She had a bad day today but stayed with me anyways. What a sis!
Miss you guys and thanks for the emails, calls, and prayers.
11/15/08 Email from Beverly
Our Friday, MY APPOINTMENT: Well I had a visit with a new neurologist at St. Thomas Hospital (now this was my best day in months so he has saw me at my best ) . Dr. Fallis thinks that I do NOT have Dystonai. I was so in shock. He thinks that I have injured my neck and that has radiated up into my mouth, tongue and jaw muscles. I have awful neck, shoulder and temple pain along with the mouth. I am just getting some speech back. Yes I probably still have blepharospasms (dystonia) in my eyes but He about Died when he heard I've had 31 shots in my face in three month span. He said for #1 The Doctor should KNOW why I need Botox? Testing....none. Never give botox but maybe twice a year. Mine 31 in three. He could not fathom. Anyhow, I was crying by the time we left there in an uplifting way. He said that He Will get me FIXED ! You think "Do I get hopeful AGAIN .... It's kind of scary but... you have to trust that the Lord is working and has found this man to give you answers and help you. So now He has put me on a pain pill and muscle relaxer all in one to take at night. He said to fix the neck muscles they need rest which I get none of. So we have a Ct Scan planned at St Thomas on the 25th. He was such a nice nice man. I never figured that I didn't have this after the neuro in Louisville. I was totally shocked.....then our day continued....
Friday, TERESSA'S APPOINTMENT: Well we went at 3:30 to Teressa's appointment to hear the results of her breast biopsy. As sure as I was that I had dystonia, I was that sure that my sister DID NOT HAVE BREAST CANCER.... BOY WAS MY DAY WRONG. The guilt that FLEW over my body as he gave her the results was tremendous. I thought all the complaining you've done this year. It was so hard for me to hold in my composure (which I did very bravely) . Dr. Daniels told her that yes she does have cancer. They will remove the lump on Tuesday afternoon and another area to check. She will have to undergo radiation and possible chemo since she's premenaposal. Teressa is the STRONGEST LADY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE EVER KNOWN. HER STRENGTH AMAZES ME AND IT WILL YOU ALSO. She has the best attitude for life and me - Well I'm the baby the whimp. I look to her for Strength. So please please remember my baby sis in your prayers and I know that the Lord will deliver her from this disease and that next Thursday she will hear "Yes Teressa We have got it all ".
So yes our day was a whirlwind - It's ups and downs - The unknowns for both of us.... Your prayers have delievered us this far.... Please continue... Love to All , Bev
Friday, TERESSA'S APPOINTMENT: Well we went at 3:30 to Teressa's appointment to hear the results of her breast biopsy. As sure as I was that I had dystonia, I was that sure that my sister DID NOT HAVE BREAST CANCER.... BOY WAS MY DAY WRONG. The guilt that FLEW over my body as he gave her the results was tremendous. I thought all the complaining you've done this year. It was so hard for me to hold in my composure (which I did very bravely) . Dr. Daniels told her that yes she does have cancer. They will remove the lump on Tuesday afternoon and another area to check. She will have to undergo radiation and possible chemo since she's premenaposal. Teressa is the STRONGEST LADY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE EVER KNOWN. HER STRENGTH AMAZES ME AND IT WILL YOU ALSO. She has the best attitude for life and me - Well I'm the baby the whimp. I look to her for Strength. So please please remember my baby sis in your prayers and I know that the Lord will deliver her from this disease and that next Thursday she will hear "Yes Teressa We have got it all ".
So yes our day was a whirlwind - It's ups and downs - The unknowns for both of us.... Your prayers have delievered us this far.... Please continue... Love to All , Bev
11/15/08 (Biopsy Results) Email from Me
(Invasive Ductal Carcinoma)
Hey Everyone,
Well, Beverly had an uplifting visit today at St.Thomas and I am soooo happy. Hopefully, this medicine will allow her to sleep and rest the muscles in her neck. He doesn't think she has dystonia and that is wonderful. He said she should tell a difference soon but her eyes still may have something with them and he will know later. Now he is focusing on her neck and facial muscles.
We went to my appt and I officially have breast cancer. I will need radiation too. I have surgery for the lumpectomy Tues and also to remove another suspicious area. He will test those areas removed to tell me what stage and if I need chemo also. I should know by the end of next week.
Thanks for all of your prayers and everything will be ok. We'll take it one step at a time until we both are completely well and then we are going on a "sister vacation". She won't fly though so I get to drive her yukon.
Love to all,
Hey Everyone,
Well, Beverly had an uplifting visit today at St.Thomas and I am soooo happy. Hopefully, this medicine will allow her to sleep and rest the muscles in her neck. He doesn't think she has dystonia and that is wonderful. He said she should tell a difference soon but her eyes still may have something with them and he will know later. Now he is focusing on her neck and facial muscles.
We went to my appt and I officially have breast cancer. I will need radiation too. I have surgery for the lumpectomy Tues and also to remove another suspicious area. He will test those areas removed to tell me what stage and if I need chemo also. I should know by the end of next week.
Thanks for all of your prayers and everything will be ok. We'll take it one step at a time until we both are completely well and then we are going on a "sister vacation". She won't fly though so I get to drive her yukon.
Love to all,
11/12/08 Surgeon Consultation

I got to have my biopsy in the surgeons office tonight. He did it while watching that ultrasound/mammo something machine. Melvin got to watch. He did good while they gave shots to numb, and then the cut, and after that I noticed he wasn't standing where he was. I looked around and he was sitting with beads of sweat on his face...ha
Afterwards, we went to Red Lobster for a nice dinner and I wanted a coconut coloda
Anyhoo, I'm bandaged like a mummy and feeling pretty good.
He said it may be cancer and I will know late Fri afternoon.
It's that spiculated mass and irregular margins description...ha
I'm really ok and we will just cut it out. He said I did good by finding it.
OK women...feel your breast in shower. It does a body good.
I'll add and Beverly sees a new neurologist on Friday...woohoo!
11/6/08 Exam Results(Mammogram & Ultrasound)
Hey Everyone,
I picked up my results from today...
I had mammogram:
1) Moderatley dense ductal tissue
2) 1.1 cm spiculated mass on the superior aspect of the right breast - suspicious of primary breast carcinoma - recommend right breast ultrasound
I had ultrasound:
1) 9 X 11 mm irregular nodule, slightly hyperechoic, at the 10 o'clock position in the region of mammographic palpable abnormality - suspicious of primary breast carcinoma - recommend biopsy.
2) Probable 8 - 9 mm lymph node adjacent to the irregular nodule.
I had Chest X-ray:
A ok
I found on the net re: irregular-
If the margins are smooth and the mass is round or oval, it is most likely benign (not cancer). If the edges are irregular, then it is possibly cancer and a biopsy is necessary to determine if cancer cells are present.
Also, re: spiculated mass-
It is true that a spiculated margin is of more concern than smooth margins.
I read about carcinoma.
I don't think I want to search the net anymore....ha
I just wanted you to know I am ok and I will deal with whatever comes. God always thinks I can handle more.
I'm a strong person.
I go to see the surgeon Wednesday.
Love ya'll
I picked up my results from today...
I had mammogram:
1) Moderatley dense ductal tissue
2) 1.1 cm spiculated mass on the superior aspect of the right breast - suspicious of primary breast carcinoma - recommend right breast ultrasound
I had ultrasound:
1) 9 X 11 mm irregular nodule, slightly hyperechoic, at the 10 o'clock position in the region of mammographic palpable abnormality - suspicious of primary breast carcinoma - recommend biopsy.
2) Probable 8 - 9 mm lymph node adjacent to the irregular nodule.
I had Chest X-ray:
A ok
I found on the net re: irregular-
If the margins are smooth and the mass is round or oval, it is most likely benign (not cancer). If the edges are irregular, then it is possibly cancer and a biopsy is necessary to determine if cancer cells are present.
Also, re: spiculated mass-
It is true that a spiculated margin is of more concern than smooth margins.
I read about carcinoma.
I don't think I want to search the net anymore....ha
I just wanted you to know I am ok and I will deal with whatever comes. God always thinks I can handle more.
I'm a strong person.
I go to see the surgeon Wednesday.
Love ya'll
10/29/08 Doc Visit
Email to my HR person at work.
She said it wasn't a good spot for lump.
Then she said it didn't feel good....hmmm
Then she scheduled my ultrasound and mammogram for 7am next Thurs and that was the earliest available.
She asked if I wanted to be called with good or bad news or just make an appt to come back and I said call.
Is it ok if I come in afterwards?
My blood pressure was 160 over 100 and I told her it has been up for a couple of weeks and I have already doubled my pills and she said to take 4 a day.
"The Shower Scene"

There is a time and place for everything.
Time: Mid October
Place: The Shower
Lathering the pits for a shave.
When I feel this lump in my right arm pit. I finished my shower and asked my husband to look at both of my arm pits. To see if he notices a difference and he agreed...there was a lump.
I thought it has to be another fibroid lump as in 94.
So I made my appointment for a day I was off work because we were extremely busy.
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