A port or "port-a-cath" is a surgically implanted device and is inserted in your upper chest wall (the space between your collarbone and your breast) -It is designed to save your arm veins from being burned from the inside out by chemotherapy. With a port the medication goes right into the main blood supply entering the heart, so it can be sent quickly and efficiently to all parts of the body.
Me and Dad arrived at the Medical Center at 11:30.
I got in my gown, had a warm blanket, and then SHE came to do my IV. Last time, she didn't ask and this time she did. She said they had a "pilot" they were testing and it was something about putting I think saline in before they introduced the drip or something. She said some people have a little discomfort. Then I remembered last time my arm hurt extremely bad and I complained numerous times and I can usually take the pain. I hurt for days later. But since she asked this time and I knew what she was going to do.... I said NO. I said that I wanted the "regular" and that I will not be used for the testing.
Then I read a few pages in my book and Dad came in to sit with me until it was time. I was first on my Doc's list today and when the nurse was checking my previous incision he arrived. I said, "yeah that Dr. Daniels did that to me" and being the funny man that he is, he replies with, "we need to do something about him". He confirmed that I should have no blood pressure taken on my right arm or anything for that matter because I had nodes removed from my pit area and they have not healed. That's why I get fluid build up. So they brought in a big red piece of paper which stated that fact and taped it to my bed. He prayed with me and then he and Dad left.
Anesthesiology came at 1:00 and I was happy to get Stacey again. She is hilarious. I've never heard anyone talk so fast. I answered no, no, no, no, no. She gave me my drugs and I told her and Jennifer(my nurse for surgery) to not take me to the basement and to tell Dr. Daniels I had drawn a bulls eye where he was suppose operate. Then I was out. Later, they said they did tell him and he had a laugh.
I woke up at 3:00(which was longer than expected) and my nurse said I had awakened once and said,
"keep that redheaded nurse away from me. After my first surgery I asked her if I needed an arm sling and she told me I wasn't crippled." They asked if it was true and I said yes. They said they had been trying to figure out which red head and I politely in detail explained the red head's features.=)
Okay, my husband was present when the red head made her statement and he can testify to this. As the red head walked away I uncontrollably lifted a specific finger. Remember.... I was drug induced and this was in December.
This is a new year and I WAS taking precautions against the threat because I now "walk therein".
I wanted to get out of there and eat. And I was sore and just simply grumpy. She gave me a prescription for Loritabs(which I will not get filled), she called for Dad to come back, and then we left. We stopped to eat and I took advil and came home.
I'm sore, I have taken more advil, I'm cranky, I hate this mound of gauze on my chest and itty bitty tube dangling, I fried me three chicken wings, I watched American Idol(I like Deanna and the sight impaired guy), I'm typing this and I'm going to bed and watch Amadeus(again). And I go back to work Thursday 3-11.
I'm blessed.