I went back to work today and worked 8 hours. I am so glad to be working again. It really felt good to be back at work. I have to admit....I think I am a nicer person to work with than when I left. I've had a lot happen since Nov. 17th.
I have changed for the better. I've turned a new leaf. Hmmm, what could it be.
I'm going through "THIS" and my blood pressure is better than it has been in a while. I'm happier, and nicer, and I've grown these pretty duck feathers on my back.
I should be a basket case.
I am so blessed and happy.
Resolution thoughts 12/31 8:20pm
12/29/08 Non-scheduled Doc appt.
Over the weekend I had a lot of swelling and was a little worried. I thought I am going back to work next week and now I have something else to deal with. Just when I was feeling better. As Tara and I entered the parking lot of the Med. Center she reminded me that.....'If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans'. And then we laughed.
Anyhoo, Doc numbed the area and I had 7 1/4 large syringes of fluid drawn from me. When he was done my arm could lay against my side. It felt so much better.
I also got my note for work that I was physically able to work again. I asked her to leave out the fact I had a libotomy too. ha
I go back next week for another check-up and deflating. My first day back to work is the 31st.
Anyhoo, Doc numbed the area and I had 7 1/4 large syringes of fluid drawn from me. When he was done my arm could lay against my side. It felt so much better.
I also got my note for work that I was physically able to work again. I asked her to leave out the fact I had a libotomy too. ha
I go back next week for another check-up and deflating. My first day back to work is the 31st.
12/30/08 Pondering
I never had a new year resolution I kept throughout the year. I ponder what I want to accomplish. It scares me to think I will be posting this and I must follow through. I have today and tomorrow to finalize my list...hmmm
12/13/08 2nd surgery pathology results
I was wired from the morphine for a day and then my hydrocodone knocked me loopy and sluggish for a couple of days where i was nauseous and drugged like. I didn't like and dad took me yesterday for my results. I slept all the way there and lost my balance getting off the exam table. As of last night i am trying to just take aleve. whew
i did not get a tube on tues so thanks for the prayers with that...i dreaded it.
i have had some swelling but he said everything is lokking good.
and the best news is that i do not need a thir surgery of mastectomey and reconstructive surgery--thank you for your prayers again
all tissues around this removal area were negative
i see the oncologist next surgery on my date to begin chemo and then my surgeon will do an outpatient procedure to install my port in my chest wall because they said some veins in the arm can get damaged if i do that each session or something
thanks for all of your prayers, emails, and just thinking of me
i'm still a little sluggish but i wanted to tell you that your prayers have truly worked miracles for me
i'm blessed because of you
below...do you really want to know my thoughts????
now i am going to lay around until next thursday and rest peacefully
i'll share this...my life has been crazy and out of control...our whole family has had a lot of things
we make plans and walk daily the way we think we should...work, here, there, work..go, go, go
after i had found my lump and before the tests i got a call at work that Daniels bleeding disorder may be back and this meant possibly another painful treatment for him and hospitalization...i lost it at work...i went to my HR lady and said "God is punishing me" and i cried.
i had held everything in and my blood pressure medicine had been increased to 4 a day.
Daniels numbers got better and he needed no treatment.
Bev has found a new doctor and it's day by day until she gets better.
this past month I have been directed to many unknown places and to familiar neglected places....I am so not in control of anything
proverbs 16:9
A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.
this morning in a more lucid state i think He brought me through the fire again and relieved me of having no tube and good results yesterday
i think i am in a surrender stage
i watched this video and smiled.....
I'll add a quote from "facing the giants" praise Him when you win and praise Him when you lose"
sorry sometimes i think i write too much
i did not get a tube on tues so thanks for the prayers with that...i dreaded it.
i have had some swelling but he said everything is lokking good.
and the best news is that i do not need a thir surgery of mastectomey and reconstructive surgery--thank you for your prayers again
all tissues around this removal area were negative
i see the oncologist next surgery on my date to begin chemo and then my surgeon will do an outpatient procedure to install my port in my chest wall because they said some veins in the arm can get damaged if i do that each session or something
thanks for all of your prayers, emails, and just thinking of me
i'm still a little sluggish but i wanted to tell you that your prayers have truly worked miracles for me
i'm blessed because of you
below...do you really want to know my thoughts????
now i am going to lay around until next thursday and rest peacefully
i'll share this...my life has been crazy and out of control...our whole family has had a lot of things
we make plans and walk daily the way we think we should...work, here, there, work..go, go, go
after i had found my lump and before the tests i got a call at work that Daniels bleeding disorder may be back and this meant possibly another painful treatment for him and hospitalization...i lost it at work...i went to my HR lady and said "God is punishing me" and i cried.
i had held everything in and my blood pressure medicine had been increased to 4 a day.
Daniels numbers got better and he needed no treatment.
Bev has found a new doctor and it's day by day until she gets better.
this past month I have been directed to many unknown places and to familiar neglected places....I am so not in control of anything
proverbs 16:9
A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.
this morning in a more lucid state i think He brought me through the fire again and relieved me of having no tube and good results yesterday
i think i am in a surrender stage
i watched this video and smiled.....
I'll add a quote from "facing the giants" praise Him when you win and praise Him when you lose"
sorry sometimes i think i write too much
12/9/08 2nd Surgery
sorry long email
Thanks for asking so I thought I would email because i will be "loopy" after surgery today.
Peggy told me last time I emailed at 2a.m. after my first surgery. That hydrocodone is crazy stuff. I don't remember a lot of things. I guess it's good I have people around me. Who knows..I could get in my car and drive to work...ha
And Melvin said on the way home from the hospital at midnight(they wanted me stay overnite but I said no) we were first to come upon a wreck and i went to jump out(the peoples car was overturned) and he said no ...you stay here. (that was the morphine) They used jaws of life when they got there but everyone was ok later.
Monday with Dr Smith at Graves Gilbert. I was there for 2 hours and we discussed everything. First, I had a lump and 12 lymph nodes removed for testing the last time. 4 out of 12 were positive for cancer. I have the type of breast cancer called Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. And estrogen makes my cancer happy. He believes that Dr Daniel can get "clear margins"(tissue around the lump and lymph node area) today and I will not need a third surgery which would mean mastectomy and reconstructive surgery.
I will need chemo first then radiation and hormone therapy together. I don't know how long for each but chemo every other week and radiation daily. It will last through summer and I should be done by fall. I am not at low or high risk but moderate. I will start chemo after recovery from todays surgery...if I don't need a third(+ and pray). I am suppose to ask my surgeon today about a port for my chemo treatments. It's inserted in the chest wall and they will not have to find a vein each time. The chemo gets in the blood stream faster because it is near the heart or something. The port will not be inserted today.
So....I pray that Fridays results will be no more surgery. If I have to then ok but I just don't like the drainage tube.
I'm ok..this is what I have and this is what I have to do. I think it will take 3 wks for my feeling to come back in my arm and I hope to be back at work the first week of January =). And then I will work around my chemo.(hint, hint, Jeremy and Mindy)
Oh, my surgeon is Dr Daniel in BG and he did Nicks surgery in 91 when he was a month old and he removed a fibroid lump for me in 94. He prayed before surgery then and he still does. I am thankful for him too and wanted to share that in case you ever need a surgeon.
I need to be there at 1 today....and I'm ok.
Love to all,
Thanks for asking so I thought I would email because i will be "loopy" after surgery today.
Peggy told me last time I emailed at 2a.m. after my first surgery. That hydrocodone is crazy stuff. I don't remember a lot of things. I guess it's good I have people around me. Who knows..I could get in my car and drive to work...ha
And Melvin said on the way home from the hospital at midnight(they wanted me stay overnite but I said no) we were first to come upon a wreck and i went to jump out(the peoples car was overturned) and he said no ...you stay here. (that was the morphine) They used jaws of life when they got there but everyone was ok later.
Monday with Dr Smith at Graves Gilbert. I was there for 2 hours and we discussed everything. First, I had a lump and 12 lymph nodes removed for testing the last time. 4 out of 12 were positive for cancer. I have the type of breast cancer called Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. And estrogen makes my cancer happy. He believes that Dr Daniel can get "clear margins"(tissue around the lump and lymph node area) today and I will not need a third surgery which would mean mastectomy and reconstructive surgery.
I will need chemo first then radiation and hormone therapy together. I don't know how long for each but chemo every other week and radiation daily. It will last through summer and I should be done by fall. I am not at low or high risk but moderate. I will start chemo after recovery from todays surgery...if I don't need a third(+ and pray). I am suppose to ask my surgeon today about a port for my chemo treatments. It's inserted in the chest wall and they will not have to find a vein each time. The chemo gets in the blood stream faster because it is near the heart or something. The port will not be inserted today.
So....I pray that Fridays results will be no more surgery. If I have to then ok but I just don't like the drainage tube.
I'm ok..this is what I have and this is what I have to do. I think it will take 3 wks for my feeling to come back in my arm and I hope to be back at work the first week of January =). And then I will work around my chemo.(hint, hint, Jeremy and Mindy)
Oh, my surgeon is Dr Daniel in BG and he did Nicks surgery in 91 when he was a month old and he removed a fibroid lump for me in 94. He prayed before surgery then and he still does. I am thankful for him too and wanted to share that in case you ever need a surgeon.
I need to be there at 1 today....and I'm ok.
Love to all,
12/8/08 A Big Thank You

Today I send a big Thank You to you.
I have my coffee and private time every morning and I have a some favorite songs from some favorite singers I watch first to get me going before my "private time". i wanted to share one of them. (I shared this with Aud a long time ago).
So thanks for what you have done for me and my family. The kind words, prayers,...everything.
I'm doing great as I prepare for tomorrow.
Love to all,
I share this with you
12/5/08 "Feeling" Better
I am getting feeling back in my arm from my shoulder to my elbow. But I go Tuesday and have some lymph nodes removed and they will run test on tissue remaining after the removal. I also got to sleep without having my arm propped up and I got to sleep on my belly. yea!!!
Bev is still getting her medicine adjusted and she is now taking some pills during the day including her advil. It's going to take a while. We had a great sister day this week.
Love to all,
Thanks for the prayers, cards and emails....and the angel.
You're amazing.
Bev is still getting her medicine adjusted and she is now taking some pills during the day including her advil. It's going to take a while. We had a great sister day this week.
Love to all,
Thanks for the prayers, cards and emails....and the angel.
You're amazing.
12/02/08 - 1 week before second surgery
(I copied all previous comments from my email)
Today is the first day I have actually posted any comments. Tara thought doing a blog would be a good idea. I opened this about two weeks ago and could not bring myself to post anything.
It's still hard to believe that I have breast cancer.
I feel fine other than the surgery pains I've had. Some of my numbness from my shoulder to my elbow has gone away. I get tingling sensations I guess from my nerves repairing. And I guess this causes my sharp pains I get sometimes too. I can rest my arm on the desk and type away but to do otherwise and clicking and moving the mouse is different. Sometimes I wish my incision was actually on my breast and I could use my arms freely. I had a fibroid lump in 94 in my right breast and I had no problems afterwards. With this being in my armpit area it has cause some difficulties. I can't let my arm hang like the other because it hurts. I sleep with my arm on a pillow. I can't unscrew things, pick up heavy things, and push or pull hard.
And try wiping with the opposite hand =).
I'm really okay. I know in a week I will be back to all of the numbness and hydrocodone again. But I can do it.... as I did the first time.
Today is the first day I have actually posted any comments. Tara thought doing a blog would be a good idea. I opened this about two weeks ago and could not bring myself to post anything.
It's still hard to believe that I have breast cancer.
I feel fine other than the surgery pains I've had. Some of my numbness from my shoulder to my elbow has gone away. I get tingling sensations I guess from my nerves repairing. And I guess this causes my sharp pains I get sometimes too. I can rest my arm on the desk and type away but to do otherwise and clicking and moving the mouse is different. Sometimes I wish my incision was actually on my breast and I could use my arms freely. I had a fibroid lump in 94 in my right breast and I had no problems afterwards. With this being in my armpit area it has cause some difficulties. I can't let my arm hang like the other because it hurts. I sleep with my arm on a pillow. I can't unscrew things, pick up heavy things, and push or pull hard.
And try wiping with the opposite hand =).
I'm really okay. I know in a week I will be back to all of the numbness and hydrocodone again. But I can do it.... as I did the first time.
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