Oct. 22nd Whew!

And before you know it...it's Oct. Another surgery has passed and work has been crazy. This is our busiest time of year.

Well, we are trying one last thing before I need to have another surgery and I really hope it works. I see another doctor tomorrow about the new plan and I will post more about it later if my insurance approves it and they think it is a possibility.

I am enjoying this time of year as Fall is my favorite time of year. The foliage is beautiful. I didn't get to have my hiking and camping vacation week and I was very disappointed but they(work) needed me. I am hoping I can reschedule it before it gets too cold.

I can't tell you enough how blessed I feel. And the family is great.

Bev is still battling with her issues. The staph infection in her eye oil glands has blocked her pores again and the FL surgeon said he will probe and unblock them again for free, if she goes back soon. I hope she can. He would like for her to come back for a month but finding a way for that to happen is the problem. I wish I could take her. Another issue is she has a lot of stuff going on at work. I really worry about her. Please keep her in your prayers.

I had a fabulous birthday with the family. Thanks to everyone for the special dinner.

Love and prayers,

Aug 30th

Well..I got the woundvac back. Woohoo! I was wanting to crawl around in cave this week and I am still trying to figure out how to do that. =)

I love Fall. It is my favorite time of year. I'm ready for some outdoor activities. I had my bike serviced and it is ready to be picked up. I'm so excited. I've been walking and hiking to get ready for a big bike ride. And some long hikes with overnite camping.

It's a beautiful day!

Love and prayers

Aug 25th

I'm still changing out my dressings and the woundvac may come back on Friday. I get to skip Wed. this week so we will see how it goes. I'm not too worried. I believe it will all be fine.

I've had some wonderful blessings since the last post and I am overwhelmed with excitement. I did have some obstacles but that didn't last long. I faced a fear and then received a couple of blessings that answered a few questions and doubts I had for myself. Life after cancer. whew...where do I go from here? So many things are clear for me now. What do you do?

A couple of weeks ago it was weighing heavy on me to say out loud, "I'm not afraid to die". To tell the people closest to me. For days I thought, "how would I begin this conversation?" It's not a sad topic for me. I thought of it every day and wanted to say it, but never had the courage to do it. Now I know this isn't something that everyone thinks about everyday but this was something I was really needing to do for me. I needed to say it. And I never did.

Last weekend at work I was taking a break between shifts. Since my calves were so sore from the previous weeks hike I decided to put my shorts on and dangle my legs in the hot tub. So I am in the pool area, by myself, dangling my sore calves in the massaging water, and reading inspiration. Two young middle school boys came in and instead of getting in the pool they came to the hot tub. I kept reading and then they began asking me questions about me. I thought how strange there is a big pool they could be swimming in. So I put my book down and answered their questions...even about my hair and I had had cancer. One boy asked if it hurt and I said sometimes and he wanted to know how. So I told him and he said, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger". Then the other boy asked, "Where you afraid to die?" I know you can not possibly imagine how I felt at that moment. I really wanted to burst into tears with happiness. And then I got to finally say out loud, "No, I am not afraid to die". And then he asked me why? And then I got to tell why. Then they left. And you know... they never did get in the pool =).

Well, I was so overwhelmed I went back to my room and called Tara and of course I was crying and she couldn't understand me. She said, "what happened at the pool?" "why would they say that?" "they asked you what?". I look back now and I think poor Tara. Her momma calls her crying and all she can hear is I just got back from the pool area and boys were asking me about dying.
I smile now. But note to self- never call your daughter when you are having a joy cry and when you do not have composure.

Like I said. This was something I wanted to share that happened to me and was important for me.

Love and prayers to all.

Aug 16th

I had a wonderful week. I had an check-up with my oncologist week and he said I was doing great and since I was seeing so many doctors, I didn't need to see him again until Nov. Still doing great and my surgery "wound" is healing on one side and a bit slow on another so a month is still the plan for the wound vac. I can't tell you enough how blessed I am to have what I have in my life. I thank God every day.

Love and prayers

Aug 10th

What a month.
Tara planned a finale' party for me when I ended radiation. It was a happy day and I had a wonderful time. I've been back to work and all was well. I only had one doctor visit a week. Then I got the staph infection that put me back in the hospital for a week. Now I have a "purse"(woundvac) that I carry and probably will for a month. I need to go three days a week to the hospital for dressing changes. It's OK.
I have been blessed again and the power of prayer has worked again.
Thanks for the prayers, calls, and visits.

I go back to work today however I need to go to the hospital first.

Love and prayers back at ya'

A few months ago I resolved to be better giver. I had in mind a couple of ways I wanted to do this. I never did anything....just thought about it, dreamed about it. My life returned to the get up, go to work, go home, pay bills. I feel I have been given a second chance to keep my word. Since I have been home from the hospital two opportunities have fallen in my lap. I'm telling all that I'm going to give and pay it forward. I'm excited!

July 13th

Saturday morning I took Daniel fishing to a couple of places and we had a lot of fun. He is "the fisherman". Then I got to keep Ellie and spend the night with her while Mommy and Daddy had the night out. Melvin and the boys came over also and we had pizza and played. Dad came over the next morning and she got to play with her Great grandaddy.

The time with her is precious. She is so sweet and funny. I love it when she holds her toes while you feed her or puts her feet up on the tray. I love it when she holds my hand while she sits in my lap. It is a treasured moment. I tried taking our pix together but she kept tickling me with her toes and we never succeeded. She is so much fun. She rode many miles on her caterpillar and zebra.

Nick got a job in BG and had his first day yesterday at the Family Christian Book Store. And he begins band camp this week.

Amber stopped by yesterday to show me her free jewelry she received from having her jewelry party here a couple of Saturdays ago. She really did good.

This is my last week of radiation. Thursday is my last day. I do have some irritated skin but nothing I can't handle. I have some cream for the dry areas and cornstarch for the moist areas.

I can't begin to explain how happy I am this week. Thursday can not come fast enough. Just to have some normalcy and not rushing to work and doctors every day.

I am blessed...Love to all,

June 20th

I just finished my third week of radiation. My skin is a little red and I have been some tired but I am doing great. I'm still working full time and will continue to do so. I did lose my second fingernail and I didn't know if I mentioned it. The boys and I saw a movie today and we had a great time. I saw Ellie last night and she crawling so well. She is an angel. I love her little faces she makes now to get a laugh. Everything about her is amazing. I love being a grandma. I think she likes me best without a wig. I think I do too.
I'm ready to do something....canoeing, camping, spelunking, horseback riding, biking,...just something. I got an itch.

Love to all